This is a help site for everyone.
So if you have something to contribute, Email it to and I might put it up. If you wish to remain anonymous mail it regular mail, to 34 North Main Street Apt A, West Salem Ohio 44287. If its a big one put it on a flash drive.
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One of the most difficult challenges about being elderly or disabled is getting a ride or a driver.
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When getting a ride there is a lot more to it than first meets the eye.
There are no businesses that I know of in the Ashland / Wooster / West Salem area that are any good for rides or drivers for the ILL or the elderly.
What's the big deal about a ride?
It’s the circumstances.
It’s the nature of the beast.
The way the cookie crumbles.
There's no money in it.
It's a lot for the rider to pay, but it's not much money for the driver to get. If you pay a friend $25 an hour for a six hour trip that's $150. And a business would have to charge $75 or $100 an hour to cover expenses and there's simply nobody that can pay that.
> Citizens don't like to give rides either.
The reasons being;
#1. If you live in West Salem Ohio giving a person a ride to a doctor's appointment at the Cleveland Clinic is very time consuming.
>You have to drive over there and pick them up.
>You have to help them load.
>You have to drive up there.
>You have to wait out the appointment.
>You have to drive them home.
>You have to help them unload.
>And you have to drive home.
A short appointment at the Cleveland Clinic coming from West Salem Ohio takes a minimum of 6 hours. And a long appointment is anything and everything.
I know of no state or federal programs that furnish rides or drivers.
And even if they did it would be a management nightmare
I have had many appointments at the Cleveland Clinic.
My Sister Francis has given me most of the rides.
I have been given rides by several Good Samaritans.
One was a friend of my brothers, one was an old classmate and so on. And believe me, it's appreciated.
It's a great citizen who sacrifices his or her time to give a ride.
I deeply appreciate it when someone sacrifices their time, (and it's a lot of time) to give me a ride.
There is a need to come together and acknowledge the difficulties in getting rides.
Many people don't have children and many people’s children live far away.
It is very difficult to find time to give somebody a ride. Even retired people have great difficulty finding time to give someone a ride.
The first most obvious place to look for a ride is:
>Then old classmates
>Then Church members.
When you get someone to give you a ride you have to know they're trustworthy, that's why old classmates are one place to look.
> Then you have to know capability, our classmates are the same age we are, were hearing about health issues of sorts.
>Build a list of possible Drives and Providers of Rids so you don't have to burden one person over and over.